Seagers Gin 1L
Seagers is a London style dry gin. Only the finest, natural, aromatic botanicals are selected to create Seagers gin. These elements are fused together to create a unique alluring aroma and complex flavours which refresh a stimulate. 37.2% ABV
Scapegrace Gin 700ml
Classically citrus and super smooth. This remarkable gin upholds 12 botanicals, with lemon and predominantly orange peel shining through. Smooth and ridiculously crisp on the palate.
Good George 'The F**ck Stops Here 2023' Gin 700mL
It?s been a fucken crazy couple of years since March 2020 and our first taste of Covid Level 4. Who knew then what a chaotic and wild ride it would be through levels, traffic lights and borders.Here at Good George...
Lady H Duchess Peach and Passionfruit Gin Cup 700mL
Duchess H Peach Passionfruit Gin Cup contains all the fragrant, perfumed and delicate floral scents synonymous with summertime. Fragrant and bright peach with soft citrus greeting the nose, followed by a juicy punch of Tangy Tart passionfruit sweetness.The small batch...
Scapegrace Blood Orange Gin 700ml
The Blood Moon profile is truly unique and combines a mixture of both dried and fresh botanicals, creating a delicious and refreshing Blood Orange gin.Blood Oranges are sourced locally from Tauranga, which provide a floral, tart and slightly sweet finish....
Scapegrace Black Gin 700ml
Scapegrace set out to create a unique flavoured gin with a flavour profile that is unexpected and very much focused on using the natural botanicals around us. Scapegrace Black is a tropical yet earthy and luxurious twist on gin as...
1919 Distilling Pineapple Bits Gin 700mL
Named for the year that New Zealanders stood up for their rights and voted down prohibition. This is the first limited release in The Kiwiana Collection from 1919, Pineapple Bits based on the original 1950's recipe from Oamaru.700mL | 41%ABV
1919 Distilling Dry Pink Gin 250mL
Distilled with raspberries and 100% Auckland grown strawberries this gin is sure to be a winner on a hot summer day. The flavour profile is refreshing with a lingering flavour of strawberry, best served with a good tonic and a...
1919 Distilling Dry Pink Gin 700mL
Distilled with raspberries and 100% Auckland grown strawberries this gin is sure to be a winner on a hot summer day. The flavour profile is refreshing with a lingering flavour of strawberry, best served with a good tonic and a...
Good George F***k This Shit 2024 Gin 700mL
In a world where newspaper headlines scream doom and gloom, and where the cost of living feels like a cruel joke played by the universe itself, sometimes you just need a damn break. And the only reasonable response to the...
Clark Lane Piko Classic Gin 700mL
Pikopiko frounds are harvested by hand from the Asplenium Bulbiferum fern once a year.Then distilled in small batches with locally sourced spring water, in the misty shadow of the Pirongia mountain, Waikato. This gin captures an authentic taste that is...
Reid+Reid "Native" Gin 700mL
The Reid brothers - with backgrounds in engineering and winemaking, have found something new to set their curious minds to. The distillation of fine gin.The Reid + Reid gin has the usual botanicals - coriander, juniper, lemons...It's the addition of...
Holland Road Sauvignon Blanc & Green Tea Gin 500mL
Holland road is the passion project of local distiller Terry Rilestone.He gives us the following description:"The Sauvignon Blanc is sourced from the South Island and I work with Zealong Tea Estate down the road from me in Gordonton. They supply...
Holland Road Pink Grapefruit & Kawakawa Gin 500mL
Holland road is the passion project of local distiller Terry Rilestone.He gives us the following description:"A premium handcrafted London Dry gin featuring an enchanting blend of traditional botanicals with seasonal pink grapefruit, native Kawakawa and a hint of Kanuka Honey....
Hastings Distillers East Block Gin 700mL
Hastings Distillers products are created from the purest organic and biodynamic botanicals, pure plant alcohol and living water. Certified organic, they are truly botanical, natural drinks. Everything you would expect from premium craft spirits. Biogro Certified Hastings Distillers commitment to organics is...
Black Robin Gin 750mL
Black Robin Gin is inspired by the extremely rare and endangered black robin found only on the Chatham Islands. This gin combines traditional botanicals with native New Zealand Horopito, anicent flowering plants. Flavours of citrus spice. Distinctive, mellow and refreshing...
Southward Gin 3x200mL Giftpack
Southward Distilling Co. There is a place where adventure starts. This wild place is the inspiration for our distillery. Made up of garden grown, wild and traditional botanicals. We are a modern take on distilling inspired by the wild beauty...
Reefton Little Biddy Premium Gin 700mL
Little Biddy is classic, robust and hardworking with a striking aromatic bite. Native Toatoa endures the harshest winter conditions without losing its fresh, vibrant tannic character. Blended with Tarata, Horopito, Rimu and majestic Douglas Fir, this is a versatile and...
Hum Dinger Bourbon Barrel Aged Gin 500mL
This Limited Release Humdinger Gin is made by aging a blend of our award-winning Dry and Citrus Gin in a used Bourbon Barrel for 3 months. A bold aroma of citrus and oak are noticable as soon as this bottle is...
Hum Dinger Citrus Gin 700mL
For those who crave quality and authenticity, this uplifting new-wave gin is the go-to tipple for lovers of all things craft.Displaying early citrus notes that centre on a backbone of mellow juniper and warming ginger, it extends elegantly with the...
Holland Road Wild Ginseng & Manuka Honey Gin 500mL
Holland road is the passion project of local distiller Terry Rilestone.He gives us the following description:"The Wild Ginseng I use is 10 years old and is freshly dug up when I need it, then rested and climate adjusted before it...
Cardrona Distillery 'The Source' Bourbon Barrel Aged Gin 750mL
This stunning Limited Edition Ex-Heaven Hill Bourbon Cask aged gin will impress. Delightful aromas of fresh oranges and mango sorbet. On the palate, delicious flavours of mandarin, caramelised banana and lemon zest. Distillery: Cardrona Distillery Type: Bourbon Barrel Aged Gin Region: Cardrona...
Curiosity Pinot Barrel Aged Sloe Gin 700mL
Curiosity Gin makes New Zealand?s only Sloe Gin, the traditional way, in strictly limited single barrel batches. We bring the finest Sloe Berries available from Europe and steep them in Curiosity Gin for several months, in a barrel that was...
Blush Small Batch "Boysenberry" Gin 700mL
Soft and smooth Blush Boysenberry is a little different, this is the first Boysenberry Gin the world has ever seen. This is a uniquely kiwi twist on a beautiful Gin. Some sediment may occur over time, we filter lightly after...